Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Homework Packet Week Of 10/22-10/26
  • Monday Homework Packet Folder Needs To Be Signed And Returned
  • Planner Needs To Be Signed Daily
  •  For Reading Homework
    • Login teacher name: bwykstra1
    • Please do this 2-3times per week
  • For Spelling Homework

End of October

  • Next week your child's Monster Books will need to be completed. Please have either Mrs Wyskstra or yourselves proof read through them. We will be sharing them with our 1st grade buddies, they are turning out amazing.
  • On Halloween we will be holding our first class store and auction. Students will also be allowed to open their own business. This Friday business plans, contacts and licenses will be available to those students that wish to either sell homemade treats, art projects, crafts, cleaning of desks etc. Please do not allow students to spend real money. We will also be watching a Magic School Bus video and each student may bring whatever snacks and treats they wish.
  • Please watch out for test reviews coming home Thursday for a math test on Friday, If your child studies, and return their paper with a parent signature they will earn $100. 
  • Please be aware we will be having a field trip in November to the dentist, forms will be sent home Monday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will be held November 7th and 8th and there will be no school held November 9th.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Download This Weeks Newsletter

Intro To MAPP

Introduction To MAPP

Last week we did our MAPP baseline testing. This test gives us information on your child's strong and weak areas in math, reading and writing. This allows us to make individual and class goals based on these results. Our class is doing a pilot program for the school on implementing class and individual goals based off the testing results. I am sending you home the results within the next few weeks.
Look for specific goals in those areas to come home in their homework packet.

For More Information Download The Following Power point
MAPP Goals

Spelling List #1

Spelling list 1 from WykstraWinners

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day Of School


Wykstra Winners

Epic First Day Of School!

What To Expect From Future Blog Posts:
  • Spelling Lists
  • Event Information
  • Pictures
  • Newsletters
  • Classroom Updates
  • Volunteer Opportunities